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Shelley & Linda to Speak to Online Book Club

Shelley Frost

The Facebook Group Women That Read Book Club has invited sisters Shelley Frost and Linda young to speak to their readers this Saturday, January 9 at 3pm (PST). Shelley and Linda will talk about their journey in writing their book Her King the Con: How an Online Love Affair Led to Near Disaster. Shelley will explain how she was able to launch an investigation once she suspected that her sister Linda's online relationship was cause for alarm. Linda will answer the most common question that she gets: How does a smart, savvy, professional woman succumb to the wiles of a criminal on the other side of the world? These romance scam crimes are the most reported type of consumer fraud crimes received by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC).

Both Shelley and Linda hope their book can help other family members who believe their loved ones are involved in an unsavory online relationship. Linda also aims to give reassurance to those who are recovering from being scammed, telling them that there

is hope, forgiveness and resilience in the after math.

If you would like to join the sisters during their online conversation, please join the private group, Women That Read Book Club on Facebook:

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